MONITOOL RIO journal collection: here
Scientific papers
Isabelle Amouroux, Jean‑Louis Gonzalez, Stephane Guesdon, María Jesús Belzunce‑Segarra, Philippe Bersuder, Thi Bolam, Miguel Caetano, Margarida Correia Dos Santos, Joana Larreta, Luc Lebrun, Barbara Marras, Vanessa Millán Gabet, Brendan McHugh, Iratxe Menchaca, Florence Menet‑Nédélec, Natalia Montero, Olivier Perceval, Olivier Pierre‑Duplessix, Fiona Regan, Jose Germán Rodríguez, Marta Rodrigo Sanz, Marco Schintu, Blánaid White and Hao Zhang. A new approach to using Diffusive Gradient in Thin‑films (DGT) labile concentration for Water Framework Directive chemical status assessment: adaptation of Environmental Quality Standard to DGT for cadmium, nickel and lead. Environmental Sciences Europe (2023) 35:29.
Jean-Louis Gonzalez, Isabelle Amouroux, Stephane Guesdon, Florence Menet-Nedelec, Emmanuel Ponzevera, Natalia Montero, Barbara Marras, Marco Schintu, Miguel Caetano, Margarida Correia Dos Santos, Marta Rodrigo Sanz, Vanessa Millán Gabet, German Rodríguez Jose, María Jesús Belzunce-Segarra, Joana Larreta, Iratxe Menchaca, Philippe Bersuder, Thi Bolam, Fiona Regan, Blánaid White, Hao Zhang. An international intercomparison exercise on passive samplers (DGT) for monitoring metals in marine waters under a regulatory context. Science of The Total Environment, Volume 847, 2022, 157499.
Krikech I., Menchaca I., Belzunce M.J., Ezziyyani M. High Frequency Measurement of Metals: Steps Towards the Acceptance of Passive Samplers for Regulatory Monitoring. In: Kacprzyk J., Balas V.E., Ezziyyani M. (eds) Advanced Intelligent Systems for Sustainable Development (AI2SD’2020). AI2SD 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2022, vol 1418. Springer, Cham.
Miguel Caetano, Margarida M. Correia dos Santos, Nuno Rosa, Inês Carvalho, José Germán Rodríguez, María Jesús Belzunce-Segarra, Iratxe Menchaca, Joana Larreta, Marta Rodrigo Sanz, Vanessa Millán-Gabet, Jean-Louis Gonzalez, Isabelle Amouroux, Stephane Guesdon, Florence Menet-Nédélec, Blánaid White, Fiona Regan, Martin Nolan, Brendan McHugh, Philippe Bersuder, Thi Bolam, Craig D. Robinson, Gary R. Fones, Hao Zhang, Marco Schintu, Natalia Montero, Barbara Marras. Metals concentrations in transitional and coastal waters by ICPMS and voltammetry analysis of spot samples and passive samplers (DGT), Marine Pollution Bulletin, Volume 179, 2022, 113715.
Philippe Bersuder, Isabelle Amouroux, María Jesús Belzunce-Segarra, Thi Bolam, Miguel Caetano, Inês Carvalho, Margarida Correia dos Santos, Gary R. Fones, Jean-Louis Gonzalez, Stephane Guesdon, Joana Larreta, Barbara Marras, Brendan McHugh, Florence Menet-Nédélec, Iratxe Menchaca, Vanessa Millán Gabet, Natalia Montero, Martin Nolan, Fiona Regan, Craig D. Robinson, Nuno Rosa, Marta Rodrigo Sanz, José Germán Rodríguez, Marco Schintu, Blánaid White, Hao Zhang. Concurrent sampling of transitional and coastal waters by Diffusive Gradient in Thin-films (DGT) and spot sampling for trace metals analysis. MethodX. 2021, Vol. 8. p.:101462.
Rodrigo Sanz, M.; Millán Gabet, V.; Gonzalez, J.L. Inputs of Total and Labile Dissolved Metals from Six Facilities Continuously Discharging Treated Wastewaters to the Marine Environment of Gran Canaria Island (Canary Islands, Spain). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021, vol. 18, nº 21, p. 11582.
Rodríguez J.G, Amouroux I, Belzunce-Segarra M.J, Bersuder P, Bolam T, Caetano M, Carvalho I, Correia dos Santos M.M, Fones G.R, Gonzalez J.L, Guesdon S, Larreta J, Marras B, McHugh B, Menet-Nédéleck F, Menchaca I, Millán Gabet V, Montero N, Nolan M, Regan F, D.Robinsonn C, Rosa N, Rodrigo Sanz M, Schintu M, White B, Zhang H. Assessing variability in the ratio of metal concentrations measured by DGT-type passive samplers and spot sampling in European seawaters. Science of The Total Environment. Volume 783, 2021, pp: 147001.
Rodriguez, J German; Guesdon, Stephane; Amouroux, Isabelle; Belzunce Segarra, Maria Jesus; Bersuder, Philippe; Bolam, Thi; Brito, Pedro; Caetano, Miguel; Carvalho, Inês; Correia dos Santos, Margarida M.; Desogus, Alessandro; Fones, Gary R.; Gonzalez, Jean-Louis; Larreta, Joana; Marras, Barbara; McHugh, Brendan; Menet-Nédélec, Florence; Menchaca, Iratxe; Millán Gabet, Vanessa; Monteiro, Carlos Eduardo; Montero, Natalia; Nolan, Martin; Regan, Fiona; Rodrigo Sanz, Marta; Rosa, Nuno; Schintu, Marco; Todde, Debora; Warford, Lee; White, Blánaid; Zhang, Hao (2023), MONITOOL Project: dataset of metal concentrations in seawater from European estuaries and coastal sites measured by Diffusive Gradients in Thin-films (DGT) passive samplers and spot sampling. Mendeley Data, V1, doi: 10.17632/r6fsncgyh7.1
A Good Practice Guide for the Use of DGTs
ENGLISH VERSION: Vanessa Millán, Marta Rodrigo, Isabelle Amouroux, María Jesús Belzunce, Philippe Bersuder, Thi Bolam, Miguel Caetano, Margarida M. Correia dos Santos, Gary R. Fones, Jean-Louis Gonzalez, Stephane Guesdon, Joana Larreta, Barbara Marras, Brendan McHugh, Iratxe Menchaca, Florence Menet-Nédélec, Natalia Montero, Fiona Regan, Craig D. Robinson, José Germán Rodríguez, Marco Schintu, Blánaid White and Hao Zhang. A Good Practice Guide for the Use of DGTs. Sampling of metals in transitional and coastal waters by Diffusive Gradient in Thin films (DGT) technique. 2021. Publisher: Instituto Tecnológico de Canarias. ISBN: 978-84-09-30846-0.
VERSION FRANÇAISE: Vanessa Millán, Marta Rodrigo, Isabelle Amouroux, María Jesús Belzunce, Philippe Bersuder, Thi Bolam, Miguel Caetano, Margarida M. Correia dos Santos, Gary R. Fones, Jean-Louis Gonzalez, Stephane Guesdon, Joana Larreta, Barbara Marras, Brendan McHugh, Iratxe Menchaca, Florence Menet-Nédélec, Natalia Montero, Fiona Regan, Craig D. Robinson, Germán Rodríguez, Marco Schintu, Blánaid White and Hao Zhang. Guide des bonnes pratiques pour l’utilisation des DGTs. Échantillonnage des métaux dans les eaux de transition et côtières par la technique du Gradient de Diffusion en couche mince (DGT). 2022. Editeur : Instituto Tecnológico de Canarias. ISBN : 978- 84-09-40980-8.
VERSIONE ITALIANA: Vanessa Millán, Marta Rodrigo, Isabelle Amouroux, María Jesús Belzunce, Philippe Bersuder, Thi Bolam, Miguel Caetano, Margarida M. Correia dos Santos, Gary R. Fones, Jean-Louis Gonzalez, Stephane Guesdon, Joana Larreta, Barbara Marras, Brendan McHugh, Iratxe Menchaca, Florence Menet-Nédélec, Natalia Montero, Fiona Regan, Craig D. Robinson, José Germán Rodríguez, Marco Schintu, Blánaid White and Hao Zhang. Guida delle Buone Pratiche per l’Utilizzo dei DGT. Campionamento dei metalli nelle acque di transizione e costiere con la tecnica del Gradiente Diffusivo su strato sottile (DGT). 2023. Redattore: Instituto Tecnológico de Canarias. ISBN: 978-84-09-52723-6.
Chapters in books
New tools for monitoring the chemical status in transitional and coastal waters under the Water Framework Directive. In: PERSPECTIVAS DEL AGUA. INVESTIGACIÓN, GESTIÓN Y VALORES DEL AGUA EN EL MUNDO ACTUAL. Editorial DYKINSON, 2019. ISBN 978-84-1324-549-2 (Fecha de edición 26/12/2019). DL M-40679-2019.
Technical articles
MONITOOL, a commitment to passive sampling methods to assess the environmental health of European waters. Futurenviro, November 2018
MSc Thesis
Title: "Monitoring and Analysis of Trace Metals in Coastal and Transitional Waterways", by Martin Nolan, DCU, 2020. Supervised by Dr. Blánaid White and Prof. Fiona Regan.
Including chapters focusing on:
- A review of trace metal monitoring methods including biomonitoring methods and passive sampling methods, and a summary of studies performed linking DGT performance to biomonitor organisms (Title: "Monitoring Trace Metals as Contaminants of Emerging Concern: Towards the Use of Passive Sampling Devices")
- The biofouling study, examining the extent of fouling at the studied sites, the speciation of the organisms, and some correlation studies with other water paramaters such as temperature and trace metals (Title: "Impact of Biofouling on Passive Sampling Devices and Examination of Fouling Environments of Atlantic and Mediterranean Waterways")
- Voltammetry chapter documenting the use of the ASV and cathodic CSV methods for the analysis of trace Ni, Cd and Pb (Title: "Stripping Voltammetry for Trace Analysis of Priority Metals in Coastal and Transitional Waters")